Two weeks ago I discovered (I know. I’m always late to the party). I was looking for a pumpkin-something recipe and found these bars. My life has not been the same.
I’ve made them twice in two weeks, and when I told my mother that I was going to make them, again, she said, “Why?”
Uhm, why not? I’m certain that my mother was concerned about how it might impact my recent anti-sugar campaign, to which I may or may not still be committed, but they are just too good not to make. And eat. And eat. And share. And eat. Did I mention they’re made with pumpkin?
When I posted about my pumpkin-bar quandary on Facebook, my friend Shel responded:
Not only is pumpkin loaded with vitamin A and antioxidant carotenoids, particularly alpha and beta-carotenes, it’s a good source of vitamins C, K, and E, and lots of minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and iron. Half a cup of canned pumpkin has 6.5 grams of effective carbohydrate and 3.5 grams of fiber.
This recipe has 2 cups, count them—1, 2!—cups of pumpkin! That’s practically a garden of pumpkin in cake-ish form! It probably prevents cancer and stuff. AND it’s festive.
So with Thanksgiving nearly a week away, I find myself morally obligated to share (because I don’t want to be fat alone, people!).
(Pssst. It’s best with cream cheese frosting.)
You’re very welcome.
Lovin' the new blog header! I never quite managed to appreciate the taste of pumpkin. I love the smell, but the taste... I will pass on. However, it is definitely something my family would appreciate! :)
Pumpkin is one of those unusual tastes/textures. I don't like pumpkin pie at all, but I loved these bars. They were more carrot-cakey/banana bready than pumpkiny. I think I just created three new adjectives in this one comment!
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