I have a small girl-crush on Sydney Bristow. If you don't know who Sydney is, and shame on you, she is the double agent played by Jennifer Garner on the hit TV series Alias.
Recently my friend has gotten me hooked on the show by feeding me, one pirated DVD at a time, action-packed episodes. I didn't watch the show when it originally aired, and shame on me, over 6 years ago. And I thought I was living.
I realize now that my life won't be complete until I can obliterate someone with a roundhouse kick. If you've seen the show you know what I'm talking about. Sydney can disarm the burliest opponent with a powerful sequence of uppercuts, 360 kicks, and double back-flips, all while wearing these fabulous disguises.
My friend and I were so obsessed with fighting like Sydney that we went to a local dojo to see how many classes we would have to take before simulating a Bristow booty kicking. The smart woman at the front desk didn't answer the question, but she had the very handsome sensei on duty perform a 540 kick. Who knew there was such a thing? I nearly hyperventilated.
My loyal readers (all three of you) will remember that I once wrote a post entitled "Mission Mompossible" where I divulged that I would never make a good secret agent. That still stands. If the enemy tried to extract national secrets using Chinese water torture, I would crumble within 15 minutes. Threaten to feed my children sugar before bedtime and I'd be done in 10.But that doesn't mean I couldn't fight like Sydney. I also have to admit that I'm currently coveting some of her gear-especially the tranquilizer guns that became popular circa session three. Not that I would, but I have dreams of piercing my children in the fanny when they're embroiled in one of their more vicious living room brawls. Admit it. The thought made you smile. Just a little.
So until I can actually do a back flip off a wall after kicking a gun from the bad guy's hand, I'll just have to dream about it.
That and watch Alias reruns over and over again.
No. Way. Sydney Bristow and Alias have been my guilty pleasure for about three years. I have actually considered buying the series on DVD (something I thought I would never ever consider). Thankfully they show Alias reruns, even in India.
As far as the men of the series go, sure Vaughn is the obvious choice, but I always had a soft spot for Will.
Sydney as a girl crush? Totally! I want to look like her and have her skills, but I still want to sing and raise children like Maria Von Trap. Too much?
P.S. I even have a teeny crush on Victor Garber (Jack Bristow). I know, I know, he's older, but he is still yummy in his own manly way.
Do you realize I have never watched Alias? I was wrapped up in 24 that I had no time for any other shows. I suppose she is the female equivalent of Jason Bourne. It's too bad he didn't hook up with her instead of man face.
Mrs. Smith--I LOVE Will. He's my absolute favorite! Vaughn just doesn't convince me that he's as tough as Sydney is. And I loved the last episode with Will, being all secret-agent!
Spammon, you've got to watch just a few episodes and you'll be hooked.
The hub said he wanted to watch this show when the "teasers" were airing and I responsed by saying, "you're kidding right?" However, after the first episode, I was an immediate fan. Love hte show(until the final season that is), that is when it "jumped the shark" for me. I don't think I made it through even the first episode.
Gustogirl, I'm currently on season three and I have to admit I was a little disappointed at the first episode. But it's gotten better and I'm totally into it. I'm afraid of season 5 now...
I haven't gotten into Alias - but I need shows to watch when the hub travels (which is often). And so, upon your recomendation - I will add it to my list.
Well, I count for at least 20 readers, because I enjoy every single post, every single word, like you wouldn't believe! You crack me up!
I think you can do anything!
i remember you crushing on Johnny Depp back in the 21 Jump Street days. gee i wonder whatever happened to that guy??
PS the VIP wants to know if you still have you autographed copy of Hart's Hope by Orson Scott Card.
Tola, Of course I do! Thank you very much for that--it meant a lot.
And unfortunately, I was not wise enough to crush on Johnny Depp, although I'm sure I thought he was cute. My favorite was Richard Greico who went on to star in Booker. Sigh. He's kinda scary looking now...
oh that's right it *was* Richard Greico. silly me. the reason i thought of the book is that we gave M a gift card to B&N for her birthday, and the VIP was browsing for CJ Cherryh books (he only has about a thousand of them already) and i asked him if he had ever read Card. then i told him about when he came to BYUH when we were there. trust me, i wouldnt have been offended if the book had disappeared in the 17 years since then, stuff happens!!
I love when you post, makes my whole night because I can't stop laughing. I have never seen this show, but it is at the top of my To Do list now. What a cool thing to have at the top of my list.
I agree with Carrie, I think you could do anything. Remember the roof incident???
I'm sad to say I've never seen Alias, but the costume, hair, & makeup changes in the commercials were always awesome. Have you seen the Bridget Fonda movie where she plays a sentenced to die prisoner freed to kill for her govt? Alias always reminded me of that movie, which I loved.
I've never seen Buffy, either.
But CSI, Law & Order, and ALL their spinoffs? I can quote by the yard. Like Shakespeare. And that fab music they play during the lab sequences...
I loved that show. I faithfully watched every week. The world had to stop to watch Sydney Bristow. I also totally loved Will and Vaughn, more poits to Will who was constantly dragged into many episodes. He held his own.
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