Saturday, June 07, 2008

When Crazy Happens

Yesterday was my birthday. I know, I know. Happy Birthday to me. But this post isn’t about how old I’m getting (hallelujah!). It’s about the most bizarre and disturbing experience I’ve had…ever, I think.

I was picking my kids up from my MIL’s house when they informed me I wasn’t allowed inside yet. They were still preparing my “surprise” party. So I stood outside and held Zack, swaying him back and forth while singing in his ear.

It was then that this old man approached us and started talking. I couldn’t understand what he was saying at first; it was obvious that he had a senility thing going on. I just assumed he was telling me how adorable my son is, because, well, he is. See?

But that’s not what he was trying to say at all. He began speaking with more urgency, and after this awkward moment where he told me I needed to call the duck, he found his words and began terrifying me beyond belief.

This is where I need to stop, mid-story, and explain how utterly Panic-Happy I am. Yes, Panic-Happy is a condition and I have it. If I, in one weak moment, can imagine something bad happening, I make it my divine responsibility to start worrying about the possibility of the bad thing happening. For example, Zack has been having headaches lately. Perhaps four in the last 6 weeks—not a huge amount, but enough to get this Worse-Case Scenario Mama on task. I’ve imagined all the horrible things that might be causing aforementioned headaches. I won’t list them here because typing them out may cause me to hyperventilate and pass out before completing this post. On with the story…

By that time my MIL had come outside and was trying to help me end the conversation with the crazy man. Come to find out he didn’t want me to call a duck; he was insisting I call a doctor, because, he informed me, Zack was dying. And he didn’t stop insisting. He had remembered all the words necessary to tell me, over and over again, that God had informed him my son would die unless I got him to a doctor, immediately. He followed me into the house and my MIL called the police.

This is where I must interrupt, yet again, to say that this is the point at which I began to have a panic attack. What if this guy could read Zack’s energy and knew something I didn’t? What if the death sentence he envisioned was somehow connected to those disturbing headaches? What if all those movies with the slightly insane yet incredibly prophetic characters who could save countless people if they could only get past the slightly psycho exterior were being replayed in my MIL’s livingroom? I actually considered picking Zack up and taking him to the emergency room right then and there, leaving my MIL to deal with the crazy man. But what would I tell them? “This crazy man said my son’s dying and I need you to look into that for me.”

After about 10 agonizing minutes with this man insisting on Zack’s death and frightening Kaleb and Leah beyond belief while I stood between them shaking uncontrollably, the policeman arrived.

Long story short, the policeman got the crazy man home and his caretakers promised to suspend his walks. And I finally stopped shaking.

Bizarre, right?

But for whatever reason, having someone tell you that your son is dying, even if that someone’s presence of mind is questionable, is a disturbing experience. Last night was long and uncomfortable. Thankfully in the light of day the old man seemed less prophetic and more lost. And Zack, I’m happy to announce, is still very much alive.

Mama? She be needing some therapy.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Oh, I get it. What if it was the divine finger of God pointing down from the heavens? If only you had listened....

You poor woman! Too, too freaky!

kristi said...

That is really creepy.

kristi said...

Oh! And Happy Birthday!

Thelissa said...

See, my brain goes to where your is sometimes, or was. WHAT IF...!!! Hum, I have to say I might be hyper enough to take the boy in. Just for safe measure. I'm probably dumb, I know, but I wouldn't be able to sleep either. I would play out all of these scenarios in my mind of how things could go wrong. This is probably why my hubby tells me I worry too much. I do, about all sorts of things both real and not so real. Hope the headaches subside for him and next time, ask if you can come in and wait in the entry way! :)

Janice {Run Far} said...

Happy Birthday!

That is so creepy, and I think I have a bit of the same condtion you suffer from, I panic way to easy as well. This man would have freaked me out.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

I would have done the same thing, I always wonder if everyone's a prophet, and their words are messages, sometimes that's good, sometimes? Not. So. Much.

Happy birthday! Can today be a do-over?

Candygirlflies said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope, for the most part, you had a wonderful day, surrounded by family and friends!!

I'm very, very familiar with the panic-attacks you speak of... I'm a "Class A" Worrier, myself (as were all the matriarchs in my family before me).

You know what I've decided helps? Working the worries through. Gathering information, and then figuring out a "worst case scenario" plan-of-action. More often than not, the worse-case NEVER happens. But, the up-side is, I am almost always prepared for ANYTHING. (I could write one of those "Worse Case Scenario" BOOKS for crying out loud... The one about surviving everything from plagues to shark attacks, only WITH CHILDREN).

If the headaches are worrying you, then maybe your gorgeous little boy could have his annual check-up at the doctor a wee bit early this year. Our paed. always laughs when I tell him "I'm feeling MUCH better" after he's seen my girlies!!

Have a great weekend-- lots and lots of love, CGF XOXO

Rachel said...

YiKeS! I am the same way...I would be thinking "I know he is crazy...but...what if he is right?"

I hope your birthday was a little less "insane" and a little more happy after that!

GustoBones said...

How can we not play worst case scenario when our every bit of our hearts are wrapped up in the well-being of our children? I do that too, way too often. I think it is only natural, especially when a crazy man is telling you your son is going to die.
What a great birthday present! I hope you had a nice day anyway. One year older and wiser too, happy birthday to you!!

Rachel said...

I would have been calling my doctor.. just to be safe.. I guess I am crazy too!

Melodrama Mama said...

I say as Moms we not only have the right to play the 'worst scenario' game but we can run into the pediatrician for each and every thing - no matter how ridiculous!

Happy Birthday!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Shauna!

I would be playing scenerios in my head too...your not alone. I don't know if I was more freaked out about his "premonition" or the fact he followed you into the house....yikes!

Spammon said...

Maybe it was John Edward from Crossing Over. It seems only fitting that he is rambling the streets talking nonsense now.

Chris said...

Creepy story. I have had someone stop me on the street and start talking to me about my child. All sorts of weird things. It is creepy. And Happy Belated.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

Take him to the doctor!

shauna said...

Never fear, everyone. I have made an appointment with the pediatrician and would have done so regardless of the creepy man. I will update all after the appointment.