Warning: If my friend or the man she currently wants to set me up with ever start reading this blog, I will promptly delete this post and any related to it. There. You’ve been warned.
I had been divorced about a month when my friend called.
“Okay,” she said. “I have this great guy I’m dying to set you up with.”
“What?” I asked, because I hadn’t expected this conversation so soon.
“But we have to wait until his wife dies.”
“It’s a long story, but they were filing for divorce before she got into this
accident and now she’s in critical condition.”???
“I’m here…”
“He’s great though,” she said.
"How do YOU know single guys?” I asked because she's married, and I had
finally wrapped my brain around the fact that my new friend sees my perfect
match in a married guy with an ailing wife.“But we don’t have to talk about it until she dies,” she said. “Or their
divorce is final.”
And that, my friends, is how I was reintroduced into the dating arena.
lol. That was funny! Or not, depends on how you look at it!
Hey, atleast your friend is looking out for you !
since that happens so seldom, i just wanted you to know.
Just found you through BlogHer - that is crazy.
But seriously are you going out soon?
OH MY GOSH! That is hysterical. And incredibly sad. All at the same time.
THat is pretty funny- But kind of weird.
I know--it's both sad and hilarious.
And don mills diva, that is a tough question. I'll just leave it at this: I'm curious and terrified all at the same time. So probably not anytime soon. Plus, I need more time to just be divorced and process that whole thing first.
And to give everyone an update--the wife is now the ex and she is no longer in critical condition. And no, I have not gone out with (nor seen) this guy. (But because he comes highly recommended by this friend--and she's a hoot, really; I love her to pieces--I'm curious (but not curious enough to do anything about it).
Well then...tell the friend to go pull the plug and let's get this date going!
I am sorry but that is way too funny. Good luck... hope she dies soon?!??
xo CGF
ps. I have this AWESOME brother....
Well....I guess it is good she is your friend and on your side and not the other woman's. That and she sounds quite entertaining.
Whoa!! I am not even sure how to respond. Your friend has really interesting timing to say the least.
sounds like a plot from desperate housewives...it is a little unbelievable that someone would say that...at least you know your friend means well, bless her heart.
oh just go out with him... :D if nothing else, it's good blog fodder...
new to your blog, but came for this post that i saw on blogher ads... :D single mom rentering the dating scene too...:D
it just sucks
Oh my gosh, If I only knew that you wanted a date I could you up... hack you thought the Taco John's recommendation was great, wait till you hear this... hahahhaa
just kidding
I think i am in agreement with the others, first response how funny then........ummm kind of odd.
Glad for the update. Ex and not critical better outlook. :-)
Well begun is half done, and THAT is not a well begun re-entry plan!
Sounds like you got some time to kill.....a big Sonic Burrito sounds good.
My mom has been single for ten years and only dated once. Don't let one bad set up get you down, and never date again.
Good luck with it all when your ready to jump into it again.
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