Friday, March 28, 2008

No, I'm Not Dead

Sheesh, one entire month is even a record for me. But it’s been a month full of freelance, two roadtrips (one with, one without children), a sickness (recycled), a post-winter snowstorm in which I cursed the heavens and was cursed in return, a dead laptop (see?), a new and improved laptop, the termination of cable, the panic attack following the termination of cable, a revived Diet Coke addiction, and Spring Break (in which my children were reunited for much fighting and chaos—it’s amazing how many hours are in a school day).

Thanks so much to everyone who posted, emailed, or called wondering if I were 1) dead or 2) a recent winner of the lottery (thanks, Karen!). I’m neither. But for awhile I was too depressed or distracted to blog; I’m still uncertain which it was.

But here I am, enjoying a nice break with the kids at my parents’, eating fine food (thanks, mom), getting my taxes done (thanks, dad) and bingeing on cable (dare I say, “High School Reunion” and “Rock of Love 2”?). The twins are doing fabulously and my baby brother’s engaged. I’ve also had my hair cut and colored and spent some quality time scrapbooking with Kristi O (Kristi, you’re a hoot! It was great to meet a bloggy friend in person, along with her beautiful daughter and fun friends).

So I’m hoping that this post helps me kick the blawgs I’ve been feeling lately. Anyone else ever get them?


jason said...

I had no idea that you went to mom’s house! Mmmm the thought of the glorious food making my taste buds go wild! (My mouth is actually watering) Good that you made it back safely believe me I know how the roads can be on that road trip. Peace sister Shauna!

Anonymous said...

I get the blawgs too!

Glad to know you are OK, and to see you back. Miss you!

Sounds like, despite the typical stresses of everyday life, you have also been getting some good stuff in....good for you.


Candygirlflies said...

I've been blawged down, myself...

SWEETIE!! So glad you're back.

Missed you.

xo CGF

Karen said...

Glad you're back. I thought maybe you won the lottery and were too busy going through malls and catalogs to blog. :)
But just in case you ever DO win the lottery.....
I think we're related. Somehow. It's distant. But close enough that you could give me money. :)

shauna said...

Jason, it's been GREAT! (but you know how that goes, bro)

Eileen, Candyflygirls, I'm soooo sorry I haven't been visiting YOUR blogs lately. I've been neglecting everyone and that's been the worst part of the Blawgs! Thanks for being your fabulous selves! (Candyflygirls, thanks for the Easter e-card! You made my day...)

Karen, Oh how I wish I had won. And remember, that blood line flows both ways. So if you happen to win the lottery, sister, my mailbox is always open... :) Thanks for your sweet email!

Rachel said...

I hope you are back and that this isn't some cruel tease to appease us for the next month??!?? Nothing is better than pjs and cable tv. Live it up sister!

Kristi O said...

It was soooo fun seeing you! I really had a great time with you and your family. I hope you can make it this summer for a long weekend of scrapbooking and girl fun!!! I hope we can enjoy some girl talk this summer and you can relax, you truly deserve it! PS I got to see your mom tonight at our store!

Tola said...

PHEW glad you surfaced. i was about to send my dad over to your house to check. yeah i could have called, and Mike even suggested it. im a Bad Friend. but i still love you and think about you daily.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

I've missed you! I'm just glad you're not dead.

Sorry about the diet Coke addiction being rekindled. Blawgs will do that to a person.

Rachel said...

Is there anyone that doesn't get the blawgs? I am currently powering through a spate of blawgness right now. Glad to know you are alive!!!

Melodrama Mama said...

Good to have you back - after much March drama! There is nothing like a child-free diet coke and TV binge - unless you add a sunny beach to the mix. It appears that you are in the know about Mormon Mom self medication.

Becky said...

Hey Shauna,
So sorry that I missed the chance to get together at the store. Life is crazy-busy with 3 you know.

Hope you had a wonderful time in the valley and a safe drive home.

The Hussy Housewife said...

I am sooo into Rock of Love 2 also. I watched the 1st one too. (ohh, did I type that out loud?)

Chris said...

Welcome back to blogland. Glad you survived March. :-) Diet coke is a very important part of survival.

Spammon said... how many posts do you ahve to read to be caught up now?

Kapuananiokalaniakea said...

The blawgs -- THAT'S what they're called!!! DUH! Been suffering myself. It's nice to finally have a name to put on it. Kinda like getting a diagnosis from the doctor -- gives it that air of authority.
Glad you're getting some good old fashioned love-n-care.

Tari said...

yea so glad your back! And your not alone I get the blawgs too. What ever they are. But it only affects my house cleaning not my blogging