Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Big Boy Pants

Some of you may recall that I’ve tried training him 5 times already; one of the “sessions” I detail here. Some of you may recall my complaints of failure; one of which I detail here. So it seems appropriate that I publicly announce that my youngest offspring, Zackary William Belknap, has officially been potty-trained, and it took place in one day.

Please, people, hold your applause. The kid is four months shy of his fourth birthday and most potty-training over-achievers are diaperless by two. This kid was determined to do this on his own schedule, taking control of this one thing, regardless of all surrounding him that remained out of control.

You know what? I take that back. Stand up! Give the kid a hearty round!

And then, one day (Friday, February 22nd to be exact), he announced, “I want to wear underpants.”

What? I shook my head a bit.

For a couple months now I had been asking him if he wanted to wear underpants. Daily. This day I had forgotten. Wow. “You want to wear underpants?” I asked, just to be sure I had understood.

“Yes,” he said. “Lightening McQueen underpants.”

Comin’ right up!

And he hasn’t had one single pee-pee accident since (poo remains a mystery, the Poo-Poo Puzzle, as I like to call it).

He’s now obsessed with everything potty related. He announces to complete strangers:

“I’m wearing Happy Feet underpants.”

And to my friend the other day, “I went poop on daddy’s floor.”

And in a crowded grocery aisle (using his outdoor voice), “I HAVE TO GO PEE!” As if inviting people to follow us to the restroom and watch this grand achievement.
Yes, the boy can be trained.

Opps. I amend that. The boy can train himself.

Bravo, my big boy. Bravo!


jen said...

Bravo Zack!! I wish I could be there to give you a high five. Love the poop on the floor, I wonder what he said when he did that.

Life As I Know It said...

YAY! Congratulations!

Mine is going to be 3 next month and I haven't even started with the whole potty thing. I dread it.

lindsey said...

woo hoo! Way to go!

If only these kids knew we were doing them a favor. I mean sitting around in poo and pee, that sucks!

Spammon said...

And then when he turns 80, he will say "I want to wear a diaper". And it all starts over again.

shauna said...

Jen, I know--we need to have a big party!

Life -- Heavens. Good luck, sister. Good luck.

Linds, I know! If only they realized...

Yes, Spammon. But hopefully, I will no longer be around. *knock on wood* (or an economy-sized box of Depends...)

Rosie said...

I love the whole big boy undies. My 3 yr old like to wear his inside out and backwards! He also likes to pee outside! He has yet to figure out how to do it without taking his pants down to his knees!

pinkmorning said...

haha, that is too funny. i didn't walk until i was 22 months, my mom had even taken me to a special doctor to see if i was developmentally challenged(nope) and then we moved and when my parents pulled up the carpet to replace it there were tacks on the floor that hurt my knees to crawl on and i was up and walking within two my mom thinks i could walk all the time, i just didn't want to...

Melodrama Mama said...

I LOVE the first trip to the grocery store, after potty training, when I don't have to buy any more diapers! And that he pooped on his father's floor, instead of your own is fantastic!

Unknown said...

This is a definite milestone. There are two things I dread about young children. The sleep training thing and potty-training! Glad that he decided to wear underpants. Clark didn't until he was about 3 1/2. I am hoping that J will be faster!!

GustoBones said...

Shoot, I keep forgetting that I am logged on as my swap identity! That last comment was me!!

Rachel said...

I have always hated the potty training part of mommydom! My son was completely done by three years---don't ask me how...but my daughter who is well into her threes is in the beginning stages. I really rebel against the potty training worse than my children do.

Crazed Nitwit said...

HOORAY! My younger boy pretty much trained himself by watching his older bro and his lust for darkwing duck undies. Cool.

Anonymous said...

Ya!! CONGRADULATIONS ZACK!!I wish I could have been in the grocery store with you with the anouncement of I'VE GOT TO GO PEE!! I had a hard time to stop laughing just reading it. Thanks for the laught I needed it. love your aunt denise.

Candygirlflies said...


And now, like me, YOU will soon know the exact location of every. single. public. washroom. within a thousand mile radius of your home.

Congratulations, Mom!!! And Kudos to that little boy of yours, too.

xoxo CGF

jason said...

In case of emergency try not to show him how to pee outside because then he will always want to do it there. This I know from experience.

shauna said...

Jason, I probably caught you having that experience a time or two. :) Oh, and it's too late--Kaleb has already demonstrated such emergencies to his watchful younger brother. I'm screwed.

Rachel said...

That is awesome! Way to go.. sometimes it just has to be their idea.

Becky said...

yay for Zack! I had to laugh when I read that he wanted Lightening McQueen....of course he did. How cute.

and don't they just love to announce to to everyone....Matthew says "I'm on the party-train".....what he means to say is "I am potty-trained"....too funny.

erin said...

Yeah Zack! (and by that I totally mean Yeah Shauna!!)

Jason taught Eli to pee at the park but we have the same problem as Melodrama Mama--the pants are at his knees. We are going to get arrested sometime...

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Four? That's GREAT! Quite a good age for a boy, I think. Take an A, and give him one too!