Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An open memo to the handsome Sonic drive-thru guy

First, I must say your customer service was impeccable. You were enthusiastic and friendly as you took my order for a Route 44. And even though it was not required, you still gave me a tasty mint to go with my drink. But, attractive and well-mannered young Sonic worker, as you man the window of this great American drive-thru, could you please not call me ma’am? I understand that my bumperless mini-van (yes, I lost the bumper shortly after Christmas, although patches of duck tape remain), permanent furrowed brow, and frumpy attire completely warranted this courteous greeting. But FYI, it totally killed my Sonic buzz.


Janice {Run Far} said...

LOL- I hate being called ma'am. Love sonic, wish we had one in my little small town.

Tola said...

i miss Sonic!!!!

GustoBones said...

Ma'am is the worst. I am sad that most of the time guys don't even look at me period. Sometimes I miss that feeling when you know a guy thinks your attractive so they give you even better service. You know what I mean? That never happens anymore. I am just a mom with kids.

Suburban Correspondent said...

I'm realizing that I've just turned some sort of middle-age corner - I used to hate being called ma'am, but now I like it. Yikes!

Rachel said...

ma'am IS the worst. Sonic buzzkill.

Spammon said...

Ma'am has got to be better than 'Lady' or 'Madam'. Just so us men can get it right...what do you women prefer?

Tola said...

when i taught school at Moroni High School, the students called the teachers "Miss" and "Sir". i dont mind "Miss".

shauna said...

Hot Stuff. I prefer Hot Stuff. :) Okay, in the real world I'd prefer nothing at all to ma'am. "Excuse me..." is even preferable to ma'am. Although I'd love to have a Joey Tribiani-esque "How YOU doin?" someday.

A girl can dream, right?

Anonymous said...

It isn't really that ma'am is offensive or anything, I like it very much when young people are polite and respectful. But there is that little wisp of sadness that floats through your consciousness because you know no cute waiter is ever going to slip you his phone number again. Not that you would have ever called the phone number or anything, but it's sure nice to be asked. :-)

Sigh. I did use to be hot. I know my kids don't believe it, but it's true.

Great post Shauna. You've got me feeling all nostalgic.



Anonymous said...

I'm with you Shauna, nothing worse than loosing a Sonic Buzz (of course we don't have any Sonics here in N.Y. so time like that I miss Tennessee) but being called Ma'am make you feel OLD. For what it is worth, you are definately not a Ma'am, not even close.

Candygirlflies said...

Hell, I'm just grateful if they don't ask me if I'll be wantin' the Seniors Discount...

xoxo CGF

Candygirlflies said...

ps. Okay, to be honest, I'm talking about the geeks at Future Shop... Why are they all about nine freakin' years old???

Alas, I have yet to come across a hottie at Sonic. Maybe I'll just have to come and visit...

xo CGF

erin said...

I don't often get ma'am when I am out sans kids (which isn't that often either) but I always get ma'am when the kids are with me.

I haven't had a sonic burger since I was in the hospital after I had Jill...mmmmmm.

Melodrama Mama said...

2 summers ago I was talking to/harmless flirting with the not-so-bad-looking guy who was putting in our yard. I was thinking "Sure I am a thirty-something mom but I am still hot", till he hit me with "Are you too old to know about that?" Yeah. Not so hot.

lindsey said...

Ha! Hilarious.

Question for you, I haven't quiet decided which is worse being called Ma'am or Hon? I hate it when someone younger than me calls me Hon, but then Ma'am makes me feel... old.

shauna said...

I like it when people older than me call me hon, but not people younger than me. My neighbor across the street calls me "kiddo" and I love it. It makes me feel all young and stuff (she is an older lady though).

erin said...

You inspired me (along with Jen) to do it. I open my own Etsy shop and I am going to make a bunch of balls this week and post them after this contest. Thanks for believing in me.

And don't tell Jason but the money from this is totally going toward spa services and pedicures. I will make sure to invite you along as my source of inspiration. :)

Babytreegirl said...

Hi, Shauna, this is Sydney (Mary's Daughter) I just wanted to say that I get called Ma'am on a daily basis at subway, and I'm seventeen. Try not to let it get to you. XD

shauna said...

Sydney. You rock. That did, in fact, make me feel better. :) And thanks for visiting my blog. You need to comment more often...