Not at all.
I got these nearly a year ago after realizing that shoveling the sidewalk in fuzzy slippers wasn’t working for me. Those toes? Kinda like to keep ‘em. Call it a foot fetish.
But the other night at my parenting class (I’ll save that for another post) I saw a woman in fancy black boots, with heels. How she got from her car to the class without falling on her keister, I’ll never know. Me? I require Michelin-like treads on the bottom on my boots in order to make it up my front steps.
How do women manage to look fabulous in inclement weather?
Not only am I a jean-and-t-shirt kinda girl, I’m a clutz. So wearing heels of any kind, even in summer, becomes an exercise in staying alive. I avoid it. But maybe I could sport a more feminine boot next year.
One not so Sasquatch.
Any suggestions?
A view of an Idaho Falls' winter from my front door.
Sorel boots are warm, and they have some cute styles. of course, they are sold at CAL Ranch, so you've got to brave that crowd. btw, the anti-spam fake word is "heysb". interesting, that.
Those are Sorels. I thought they were cute (and still do at times) when I first got them. They're just such clomper boots--you can't help but notice me when I walk into a room--because I literally stomp wherever I go. (It's great for scaring the kiddos. "Do I have to come up there and MAKE you clean your room?" [stomp,stomp...sound of children scattering...] Hence, I'm taking a parenting class. :)
Shauna ... having grown up in southern ontario - the birthplace of Sorel boots by Kaufmann - and sharing the same German Methodist heritage of the Kaufmann family - I for one think that in the winter sensibility become sexy ... warm boots, warm coats, toques (knitted wool hats for y'all) scarves and sensible mittens or gloves ... fashionability only lasts till the first bout of frost bite ...
I'd rather see a woman who KNOWS how to dress for the weather than one who is silly enough to wear non-winter clothes when it is snowing and cold out ...
But that's just me ... and what do I know ... my brain is still numb from the stroll in the -50F wind chill this past week ...
YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT SENSIBILE CLOTHING !? I gave mine a royal work out THAT day !! Complete with Sorel Snow-Lions rated for -70C!!
Okay I think that Uggs are cute! There are tons of off brands that mimick uggs, my daugther wears them everyday. I chose to wear my Clarks mules and somedays still without socks, I am totally against winter and in serious denial. I mean really, is the sun going to shine again soon??
We've had atleast a foot of snow on the ground since December. There is no way I'd be sporting anything but my warm, made for snow, snow boots.
When my sisters and I shop one of us usually asks "Is this ugly enough to be cute?" It is a joke, but we are serious. Like my son has these funky looking European shoes that are ugly enought to be cool. I believe that Uggs fall into the Ugly enough to be hip category. I would wear them. However, if I have to shovel - I want nothing but warm and dry - fashion be d@#!ed.
I have no advice.. wish I did. Good luck! I am usuallyh freezing in pumps.
I totally know what you mean. We are having the storm of the century up here is eastern washington and I saw a lady with a long sleeve shirt covered by a puffer VEST and wearing high healed shoes trugging through the now trying to get into the store. I thought, okay lady, you can give up the fashion statement during a blizzard ya crazy!
oh, and by the way, I think those are probably some of the cutest boots I'm seen as far as boots go
Ah, thanks, Jen. And since everyone who reads this blog appreciates practicality I must be on the right track--clompiness and all. :)
I love Ugg's to. Well some of them. My friend has a darling pair of black ones. Wish I had enough to buy some. I had to settle for a pair of nice suede and fur Roxy boots. I love them. I think they are the Idaho model.
Good luck!
Feminine is all in the perspective. Alive is sexy. To an Inuit, you would be stylin'.
Cute schmute.
Ooo ooo ooo ooo stayin' alive!
Living here in the snow belt, I am with you Shauna. I am all about wearing comfortable, warm boots. I think the boots you showed a picture of are cute, I really love them. I love shoes/boots/clogs with lots of tread, padding, comfort. I'm pretty proud of it too.
Personally, I find that the key to the whole "Winter Goddess" look is to wear a parka so enormous, no one can see your feet, let alone the rest of your anatomy. Except your eyes. The eyes, they must be veeeeery mysterious and sexy. Well, if you take off your goggle-like sunglasses, that is. But then you run the risk of freezing the eyeballs solid when a polar blast comes whipping straight into your face...
It's complicated. But for me, it's all about "Mystery". I'm mysterious, all right. But I'm WARM, which is more than I can say for a lot of other women...
xoxo CGF
ps. "Soft Moc" up here in the Great White North carries the winter footwear I buy for myself and my family. I'm a big "Cougar Boots" fan. Here's the link!
I have the Cougar black patent front zip Duckie Boot for days when it's just rainy or slushy, and the Whistle Black Pull-On lined winter boots for the more Serious Weather. I roll 'em down a little bit to show off the fur, but then, I'm a real tease. Harhar.
My boots have camouflage print on them (they were on sale) and they are most hideous. I don't care. Horse Poop and Snow do not mix with anything less than midcalf, heavy duty, ugly. I think your boots are very feminine and pretty. And they wouldn't last an hour looking that cute in the barn. It's all relative, isn't it? :-)
oh yeah, the Doctor Zhivago look!!
Guess I'm an idiot. The last half of my link got chopped off.
Thanks so much, guys. Those resources are great. I especially like the knee-high ones on Candyflygirls' reference.
And Linds, the entire URL showed up before--not sure where it went, but I was able to gaze upon the cuteness of those uggs after you posted it the first time (so we'll blame it on blogger).
And I had to laugh at Melodrama Mama's "ugly enough to be cute" philosophy. I hadn't taken that into consideration.
The klutz in me falls over if I even look at heels -- actually putting a pair on my feet is so many ways of wrong I can't even start!
I got a "cute" pair at Eddie Bauer -- but they're still boots -- heel-less, lace-up, practical boots.
That looks like us here in Vernal. I always want to wear something cute and fancy and can't get myself to do it. I am also a clutz. If I could get away with it I would still be in my flip flops and shorts. HATE THE WINTER.
Sometimes when it is super-duper cold, fashion must take a back seat, but I think those boots are cute. Of course, I would be one of those women you might sneer at with my black leather boots. I just bought some, and my justification is that they are water-proof. Haha, I actually don't own any "real" boots. But real boots are good when there several feet of snow outside your door!
Gustogirl, you can totally pull off a pair of those fancy black boots (without breaking your neck). I would have to be bubbled wrapped before going out in boots like that. :)
Hey, Shauna,
I don't know why I have never read your bio before, but I just did. A friend told me about a blog for freelance writers -- perhaps you already know about it, but in case you don't, it's
Perhaps it will help with the fridge filling.
Rhinestones maybe? Add a little bling?
I have a serious aversion to wearing socks so I really need to move somewhere it doesn't snow. My feet have some weird claustrophobic thing going on. Shoveling snow in my heel-less-cloggy-shoe-things just isn't cutting it anymore. I do have platform shoes with 4 inch heels that I wear to church if there is snow on the ground--but only because they have super-awesome traction and I never slip (EVER) in them. Oh yeah, and they are cute. But yeah--someone with warm dry feet in the winter is someone I envy.
If those boots were made by Dolce & Gabbana every star in Hollywood would be wearing them. Go draw a big DG on them and people will be following your lead and buying moon boots like mad.
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