You guys are good, I gotta say. And I had lots of favorites, including (but not limited to)
Zellmer's "See Dad. I told you this Power Ranger shirt is a chic magnet."
Rachel's "Ladies, ladies. There's enough man here for everyone."
Eileen's "KALEB STRIKES GOLD IN SAN FRANCISCO." And how could I not like
Shawn's "DAD !!! How can you even THINK these girls are prettier than MOM???" But I have to say my absolute favorite was
"HELP ME!! My sister's barbies have COME ALIIIIIIIVE!!"
So Heather, I'll be emailing you to get you your Amazon giftcard.
Thanks, everyone, for playing. This was a lot of fun and it's gotten me thinking about another great contest I'd like to try -- so stay tuned for the details.
I have to concede to the winner's comment. That is hilarious!
I loved the one you picked!! I laughed very hard with that one. Seems very appropriate seeing Kaleb has a little sister!! Great choice!
Kaleb is such a cutie!!
Have a great week!!
You big sweetie. Thank you!! I've been having a rough Monday, but I'm feeling mightily cheered-up now!!
lots of love,
CGF xoxo
Yeah! That one was my favorite! I can't wait until the next contest!
There were some really funny ones. I loved the one you picked because he is still at an age that a gorgeous woman would probably freak him out more that than not. I have to try harder next time! Thanks for the free entertainment!
I have to reluctantly admit CandyGirlFlies' entry was pretty good ... it just bugs me that YET AGAIN I lose to her ... DRAT !!!
All the entries were fun ... thanks for letting US cheer YOU up Shauna ...
Like they say in Meet the Robinsons - "KEEP MOVING FORWARD"
That was a great caption! When I showed the picture to Kaela, she confirmed that those girls indeed "looked just like Barbie". And she is a five year old expert having seen every Barbie movie ever produced at least ten times. Yes, I know, I should choose more high quality entertainment . . .
Lots of love to you . . .
Awww...I saw this too late. I had a great witty comment. Do it again and I'll give you my address so you can already have it ready to send.
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