Zack: Please bless the two twins…
Mom: Dear Heavenly Father…
Zack: Mom, I can do it mysefff… Dear Heavenly Father, bless the two twins. Bless Aunt Nalalie and Uncle Jerumy. Bless that I can get Lightning McQueen and Doc for Christmas…
Mom: Bless the food…
Zack: I can do it myseeeeeeeffff… Bless that we can go to church and watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix…
Mom: ????
Zack: And please bless the food. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Was that a good prayer, Mom?
Mom: Yes, Zack. That was a very good prayer.
watch HP at church? or were the two thoughts independent?
I think the two thoughts were indepedent, but the way they came out sounded like we were going to enjoy a matinee in the chapel...
I'm sure the good Lord appreciates his honesty.
Eli has moved on to "please bless that I will get *blank* for my birthday since I didn't get it for Christmas.
I am down with the movie party at church. Do we bring the popcorn or what?!
LOVE this prayer! Straight from the heart!
Erin, Zack's still in denial. I took down the Christmas tree two days ago and he threw a fit--"Christmas is NOT over, Mom!" So he still prays for what he wants for Christmas (even though the kid already has a wide assortment of Lightning McQueen and Doc cars now...)
My then 3 yr old prayed before dinner once and he asked for God to keep the "penguins and the pinecone trees safe." Our "friend" then proceeded to lecture him on how God was TOO busy to worry about such little things and that we shouldn't waste His time praying for things like that. She thought world hunger and AIDS was much more important. I fought her on it. I said, "I don't know who YOUR God is, but MY God is big enough to handle world hunger, AIDS, AND the pinecone trees! Besides, who decides what is too small for God and what is just right for him???"
My ds is now almost 11 and he still prays straight from his heart and I love it!
Loving Zach and his adorable prayer! He just makes me smile, God knows he is speaking directly from his heart. So funny.
Hope you made it through the holidays OK. Thinking of you.
Karen, What a great story! And what a great mom you were to stand up for your son's prayer. And amen to that! I hold tight to a belief that my God will listen to my silent ramblings about heartache and penguins, if that's what I feel compelled to pray about.
Eileen, thanks so much for your well wishes! How I wish I could round all us bloggers up for a big party. How fun would that be?!
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