Monday, December 03, 2007

My Day Spa, or more appropriately titled, I Have Strep

Today I went to the doctor to get a throat culture (Yes, people, the Belknap’s have strep), and I was a magazine whore in the waiting room. I’m guessing this is what happens when you confine a woman in a room without her children (and her laptop), forcing her to sit quietly by herself for nearly 20 minutes.

First I raided the wall rack, snagging a Good Housekeeping, a Country Cottage, and a Redbook with Kelly Ripa on the cover. I binged, flipping through pages furiously, trying to get as much mindless magazine-ing in as possible. The other lady in the waiting room looked up from her Newsweek with raised eyebrows and then back down as if embarrassed for me. I read magazines I never would pay for—People’s issue naming the sexiest men alive, and then the one about that guy they think killed two of his four wives.

When the nurse called me in I scowled at her. I would have waited for an hour. or two. I’m probably the only person who views a trip to the doctor for a throat culture akin to a relaxing spa getaway. Unfortunately, my appointment was short-lived. The nurse said my uvula and tonsils were extremely swollen and inflamed. (Uvula. So that’s what that’s called… I had been calling it a goiter, or to mix it up – the do-hickie at the back of my throat). Within 15 minutes I was diagnosed, prescribed, and sent on my merry way. Viola.

Two doses of amoxicillin for ten days and I won’t be reading another magazine until my next checkup. Unfortunately, that’s an agonizing 6 months from now.


karla said...

You know, you might be on to something there. Whenever I'm at the doctors office, I sit there, tap-tap-tapping my impatient foot, when really, I should take the opportunity to catch up on my secret craving for Hollywood gossip!

Suburban Correspondent said...

But what about the dentist? That's always good for some trashy reading.

Annie said...

Here's what you do - next time you're at the grocery checkout - throw a couple of mags in there - and do like the guys do! Lock yourself in the loo for a jolly good read :)

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I have to be honest, my favorite part of going to the doctor is reading the magazines too!! Wait until your kids get older and the school sends home fund raisers, magazines. We ended up buying some, and I justified it, because it was for the good of the school, after all.

So sorry you are sick. I hate strep! Feel better soon and try to get some rest. Don't laugh when I say that.

Anonymous said...

You could try hiding the fluff in the Newsweek, I'll bet that is what the judgmental woman in the waiting room was doing. :-)

shauna said...

SC, I completely missed out on the dentist opportunity--I was just there with my kids for TWO HOURS! I'll have to remember that next time.

Annie, I completely forgot about bathroom reading. You're on to something there.

Eileen, I'm grateful to have meds now. For five days I just thought I had a horrible, resistent-to-over-the-counter-medication sore throat. I'm just worried about it running through my kids now. Argh...

Anon, HAHA. I hadn't considered that she might have been a more composed version of me. :)

Rachel said...

HAHA.. I am the same way in waiting rooms. I enter scoping the best location for maximum magazine input. I always go for the smut hotuhg... catch me reading Cosmo, or US weekly. haha. Get well soon!

Carrie Wilson Link said...

A woman after my own heart!

BTW, LOVE the artwork on your blog - gorgeous!

erin said...

Oh, that sucks that you are sick! I woke up this morning all congested and barely able to keep my eyes open--but I hate strep. I did have it in college and lost 13 pounds in 3 days--maybe I should come visit--you know-kick-start this whole diet thing. Jason is mailing the package today, we forgot it on Saturday. I am all out of wrapping paper so the kids presents (from my kids) are just in paper bags. I tried the towel on Eli to make sure it would fit Leah and he said he was "Little purple rockethood"--from Little Einsteins and cuz the towel is purple...ummm, maybe you had to be there. Get better soon!

GustoBones said...

I am the same way with magazines, would never waste my money on them, but Scott knows I like them and sometimes they get left on the airplane, so he brings them home to me. Sorry you're sick, yuck that's stinks! I hope you feel better soon!

Becky said...

I love the "do-hickie" part....still laughing.

I felt the same way today at the hair salon.....I WANTED to read those mags for just a little while {hours} longer.....not come back home to my "real" life.

It is a little too expensive to include as a get-away spot though. :)

Get better soon!

Kristi O said...

I am so like you. I have spent the last few months in countless dr's offices and its like I am a kid in a candy store, I read them like its cocaine... ha! I am glad I am not alone.

Candygirlflies said...

Darlin', welcome to Club Sickie... I'm really sorry you're feeling rotten!! Hope the meds kick in quickly, and that you feel remarkably better in a day or two.

Take care, and take my own PERSONAL prescription for All That Ails... Juice of 1 lemon, 2-3 teaspoons of honey, and a gigantic slurp of whiskey in a mug, then top it up with boiling water... Drink, and repeat until you lose consciousness.

That's the best way to survive what we've got right now, don't you agree??

xo CGF

Tola said...

after spending almost $30 on anti-depressants for both me and my daughter today, i decided the $3.99 i also spent on the january issue of Romantic Homes was justified. i not only buy and subscribe to magazines, but also catalogues! and i keep them too! i have issues of Sundance from almost ten years ago. i tell myself it's because of the great photographs.

shauna said...

Tola, I used to subscribe to a ton of magazines--Martha Stuart Living, Parenting, O, etc. etc. but about three years ago I was too distracted to renew anything so I no longer have any (except Family Fun which my mother gave me for Christmas last year--and I love it). Obviously, I miss them.