Thursday, November 29, 2007

And thus it begins...

A sign Kaleb penned himself and hung on his bedroom door just this week.


erin said...

That is too cute! Mean (speaking as a younger sister) but cute. How's Leah taking it? Oh by the way, I am sorry I am such a slacker but I finished her towel and made her hair bows because I am a horrible aunt who took 3 months to get her the towel. We are mailing them on Saturday--you can decide if it's a Christmas present or a long overdue present. Sorry!

shauna said...

You're apologizing to me? If there's a horrible aunt award, it goes to me. You are amazing with all your talent and creativity. The kids love and miss you all!

Leah's taking it well. The truth is he put up a stink right after he wrote it, threatening to make her stay out forever, but he lightened up after I reminded him that he always goes in his sister's room. She comes in at night when we read stories and he doesn't say a thing about the sign, so it's all good. It may have been more of a show for his friends Bobby and Wesley. Apparently Bobby has a sign like it on his door (and he has a little sister Leah's age). That was probably Kaleb's inspiration.

Tola said...

when Mau was 8 or 9, she warned me by putting up a sign on her door that an "ornery and grumpful girl lives here. P.S. she mite bite too" now she writes essays about her dream job, which is to be a state executioner. goth much? anyway, ive got a few issues of Body & Soul magazine too and i can set them aside for you. im sure ill be up that way sometime in the next 3 weeks. yikes three weeks!!

Candygirlflies said...

And in a few years, he'll be WANTING girls... Enjoy the "keep out" sign while you can!!

YEEEUUURRRRGGGHH... Why do they have to grow up?

xo CGF

Suburban Correspondent said...

Does that include mommies?

Anonymous said...

Love the picture! Wow that brings back memories. Five brothers, me the lone sister, yes, girls were almost never allowed when interesting things were happening.



shauna said...

suburbancorrespondent, After reading the sign I asked if mommy could come in. He looked at me like I had two heads and said, "Yes, you can come in..." as if he had never considered me a girl. I'm that genderless thing called Mommy.

candygirlflies, I've thought about that a few times as I've walked through his door. "At least he's not chasing them..."

Mary, I was the oldest so I was never banned from any rooms, but I'm guessing this will be Leah's fate for quite a few years (at least until her brothers start wanted to hang out with HER friends...)

GustoBones said...

Hahaha, I am still waiting for my daugther to put up a "no boys allowed" sign!

Rachel said...

It is when he lets them into his room that you are going to have to worry!!!

Rachel said...

I agree with Rachel! haha.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

I LOVE that you took the picture! That's good for blackmail when he starts dating!!