Sunday, August 05, 2007

We all scream for ice cream...

My mother-in-law is visiting and last night she treated us to some ice cream (I know—this woman is wonderful). As I went to open the Blue Bunny Pralines and Cream carton I found a safety tab on the lid. Eating my ice cream I wondered, Was that tab supposed to protect me from the ice cream, or the ice cream from me?

Either way, it didn’t work…


Annie said...

LOL! I need ice cream, and all manner of fattening foods when my mother in law visits - comfort eating at its best ;)

Mamacita Chilena said...

ahhhh, you don't know what I would give to be able to use the words, mother in law and visit in the same sentence...My MIL LIVES next door. She can't visit because she's ALWAYS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha. Safety tab on the ice cream...wonder who thought of that nifty idea? ;)

J. A. Blackburn said...

Ha ha! That's a good one!

Maude Lynn said...

Excellent question!

Anonymous said...

Ha! That's a good question :)

Anonymous said...

My MIL is visiting too... they drove 10 hours yesterday to visit us for the week. We were supposed to get ice cream but everyone fell asleep! WE MUST GO TONIGHT! You have me salivating... and I'm sure that is to protect us mamas from the ice cream! LOL!

- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls

Rachel said...

oh.. that sounds so yummy.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Mmmmmm... ice cream.
good point about the safety tab...

Crazed Nitwit said...

LOL. I guess my ice cream needs to come in an unopenable package to protect me.

GustoBones said...

I know everyone might either think I lying or I am crazy, but I don't really like ice cream. I like variations on ice cream like a health blizzard, or creme frappucino, but a couple of scoops of ice cream in a bowl, not so much. I do love chocolate though!!! Funny post.

Blog Owner said...

That's a safety tab? I was so busy tearing it open I didn't realize :-)

erin said...

We have 4 cartons of ice cream right now in our freezer. Jason bought Caramel Peanut Butter with Fudge swirl. Oh...that man knows his wife!

shauna said...

I'm really lucky--my mother-in-law is fabulous! And whoever decided safety tabs on ice cream were a good idea should have made them from something a tad stronger (re-inforced steel, maybe...)--at least to keep me away.

Mamacita Chilena, but I can imagine a little space would be nice...

GustoGirl, you're lucky you don't like ice cream. I'm certain my hips are a direct result of ice cream overload.

Erin, Jason's a good man (and ice cream's in his blood--he's my brother, I should know...) :)